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KirbyBot 🌟


Kirbybot is a bot that helps to manage tasks. You can add, edit and delete tasks.

Table of content


Download the java application under release v0.2 to start your journey on task management.

Usage via java

Run the java application.

Features of the application

1. Add Tasks

Add todo to the task list.
Command: todo {DESCRIPTION}
Example: todo revise homework

Add an event to the task list.
Command: event {DESCRIPTION} /at {DUEDATE} {TIME}
Example: event mark homework /at 2019-02-18 18:00

Add a deadline to the task list.
Command: deadline {DESCRIPTION} /by {DUEDATE} {TIME}
Example: deadline do homework /by 2019-02-18 18:00

2. Delete Tasks

Delete the tasks identified by the index number used in the task list.
Command: delete {INDEX}
Example: delete 1

3. List all Tasks

List all the tasks in the task list.
Command: list
Example: list

4. Complete Tasks

Mark a task done in the task list.
Command: done {INDEX}
Example: done 2

5. Update description of Tasks

Update the description of a task in the task list.
Command: update {INDEX}
Example: update 2 do homework

6. Storage feature

The summary of your task list will be saved in the directory ./data/duke.txt.

Pull request

To run the application

Run the file or run the file gradlew.bat / base on your OS.
Ensure Java 11 SDK is installed.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


Base code from

Reference snippets of code from


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